For Coccinelle, Coccinelle cabriolet 08/1966 For Golf 1, Golf Cabriolet...
For Coccinelle any version and Karmann 08/63 For T2 08/67- awake07/79 For Type 3 any version
BOSCH dispenser model with hollow tipsGolf 1, Jetta 1, Polo 1, Sciroco 1, Scirocco 2 - Similar07/84Coccinelle, Combi, Karmann, Type 3-4
For Golf 1, Jetta 1, Caddy 1, Type 3, Scirocco 1. For Beetle, 08/1952->
For Golf 1, Jetta 1, Caddy 1Polo - adjusted03/83Scirocco - measuring07/92Coccinelle 08/74-relatedT3 - experienced/92, Type 3-4 12/71-related
Engine model with alternatorCoccinelle 1200cc 08/75-mentioned 1300cc 1600cc 08/73- raisedCombi 1600cc 08/73-relatedkarman 08/73type 3
Engine model with generatorCoccinelle 1200cc 08/65-mentioned08/75 1300cc 1500c 1600cc 08/65-mentioned08/73Combi 1200cc 1300cc 1500cc 1600cc - emerging08/73karman 08/65- kave08/73type 3 - experienced08/73
For Beetle, Karmann, Type 3, Type 4, 08/1971->Lockable screw-on supplied with 2 keys
For engine Type 1 1300cc 1500cc 1600cc and T3 CT engine
Coccinelle, Karmann Type 14 and 34, type 3 08/66Type 4 08/70-escent Golf 1, Jetta 1, Golf Cabriolet 1, Scirocco 1 and 2, Caddy 1, Polo 1 and 2