121 Teeth, Length 1152,05mm, Width 18mm For Golf 1,Golf Cabriolet 1,Jetta 1,Caddy 1,SciroccoCorrado,jB EM EW EZ FN FP EN FV RE EX DX EG KT 2HGolf 2,Jetta 2eZ RF GU GX RP RD RH EV PB PG 1HGolf 3,Golf Cabriolet 3,VentoaBU AEA AEE AEK AFT AKS ABS AAM ADZANP ANN
For Golf 1, Golf Cabriolet 1, Jetta 1,Caddy 1, Sciroccopetrol and diesel engine1500cc 1600cc 1800cc
For Golf 1, Golf 2, Golf Cabriolet 1, Jetta 1, Jetta 2, Scirocco 1 and 2 For vehicle without pressure regulator
For left and right door in 3 doors For the 4 doors and the 5 doors you have to run them.
To adjust the differential bearing clearance. For 020 gearbox.
For engine: EG EE EF EH EJ EN DX JJ EV GX CH GZ Scirocco: chassis - measuring53E060000. Golf Cabriolet 1: chassis - raised 15E035000. Golf 2, Jetta 2: chassis - raised E990000.