For Coccinelle, Coccinelle cabriolet 08/1966 For Golf 1, Golf Cabriolet...
For Golf 2, Jetta 2, Golf 3, Golf Cabriolet 3, Vento. For Golf Cabriolet...
Front hub Beetle, Karman, Type 3-4 08/65-> Rear hub Golf, Jetta/vento, SciroccoCorrado, 02/74->
For Golf 1, Golf Cabriolet 1, Jetta 1, Golf 2, Jetta 2, Golf 3, Polo 1 and 2, Scirocco 1 and 2, Corrado, Vento, Golf Cabriolet 3
For 1600cc Diesel and Turbo Diesel engine 1 hole Engine type JK CY CR JK JP JR JX - gauge 07/1985 cS engine 000339 - measuring 07/1985
For 1600cc diesel engine and turbo diesel 1 hole JP JR ME MF RA SB 1V 08/85- Similar movies Caddy 1 JK engine no chassis F14G000001-related
Before 256mm x 20mm For Golf 2, Jetta 2, 16V KR engine and PL 12/1988 Golf 3, TDi ventilated Golf Cabriolet 3, engine 2E ADY AFN AFN AGG AKR AAM AFT ADZ 1Z AHV AKS Vento TDi ventilated Corrado, engine KR 9A 2E ADY Scirocco 2, KR engine and PL