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For vehicle equipped with power...
For Coccinelle, Coccinelle cabriolet 08/1966 For Golf 1, Golf Cabriolet...
For air box, water radiator, foot walk, shock support, etc External...
For Golf 2, Jetta 2, Golf 3, Golf Cabriolet 3, Vento. For Golf Cabriolet...
Tout pour l'entretien et la restauration de votre Golf 2
For 020 gearbox.
For engine with K-Jetronic injection.
For engine: FA, FJ, GT, GG, GS, GN, GT, HK, HW
Not for G60 and Rally.
Left and right for vehicles with assisted TRW or XTR brand rack.
0-10 bar with 0.5 bar alarm
For chrome-free velvet.